Vigilance Tips


Stay Vigilant

Always be aware of your surroundings. Get off the X (move with purpose) if you’re uncomfortable.

Lock Your Doors

All doors (apartments, houses) must be locked at all times, as intruders can come anytime! No excuses!

Video Everything

Alarm systems, i.e. Ring System, Simpli Safe are inexpensive and wireless. Use them and save the video wherever you live.

Sober Up

Excessive alcohol consumption has no redeeming value. Loss of cognitive thinking and motor skills are diminished.

Go with Your Gut

It’s your Spidey Sense. If something feels wrong it probably is. Trust your instincts!


Always have an improvised weapon when walking alone, or in your home or vehicle.

Stay in Shape

Stay physically fit and learn (train) on how to fight and survive. The value of your life is unmeasurable! You can’t be replaced!

Our Vigilance Group training workshops were developed in 2008, after a tragic murder of a young coed at a major southern university. We have trained well over 15,000 women and teens since then on how to stay safe in a dangerous world. We’d be honored to train you and the people around you — none of you can be replaced. Until then, please share our tips with them and review these frequently to keep safety top of mind.

More Vigilance Tips To Stay Alive

Vigilance is recognizing unusual activities or behaviors that do not fit the context of your environment. If it doesn’t makes sense then it is NOT right. Make something happen! Responding effectively means some form of action. Leave the area or call for help.

Of the five senses of the human body, the eyes and ears are the most important when it comes to maintaining vigilance and avoiding danger. Smell, touch and taste generally will not alert you if someone is about to attack you.

One in six women will be raped at some point in their lives. Women between the ages of 18-24 are 4 times more likely to be raped. 80% of all rape victims know their attacker.

Being distracted by a smart phone (texting, typing talking) or listening to headphones, are a recipe for disaster when walking or jogging in public. You will NOT hear or see your attacker approach.

Always maintain an awareness and level of sensitivity to your surroundings when walking alone. Keeping your head and eyes up gives the aura of confidence and strength. Also keeping your hands free, or carrying an improvised weapon (iPhone, pencil, umbrella, or hardened coffee or water bottle) is another indicator you are not an easy target.

Grocery Store parking lots and parking garages are the number one location for robberies and sexual assaults. Always be aware of your surroundings when parking or walking back to your vehicle. A lone person near your vehicle who appears to have no purpose is a red flag. If parking, move to a different location. If walking to your car, consider pushing the emergency button on your key fob, or turning around and returning to the store. These types of responses only cost time… not your personal safety.

Never trade your life for things! Vehicles, iPhones, iPads, and other personal belongings can be replaced. You can’t! Cooperate and leave the scene as quickly as possible.

Always be aware of your surroundings, whenever you are out in public. Have an exit strategy or escape route whenever you are walking or in an unfamiliar location.

To Avoid a Crime of Opportunity…Remove the Opportunity. Every decision you make regarding your actions has some measure of consequence. Taking the time to think through a decision often is all it takes to keep yourself safe.

The physiological effects of fear are real. Once you are frightened to death, you only have about 10-15 seconds before the blood leaves the front part of your brain, and you lose your cognitive skills. This will result in not being able to think, scream or possibly move. The best advice in that moment is do something! You will never be faster, stronger or more cognitive than at that moment.

If you are ever grabbed by a stranger…you must assume this is your last day on earth. Your voice and brain are two weapons that you ALWAYS have with you. The best time to consider a plan and how you might respond is long before a dangerous incident occurs! Simply “rehashing or visualizing” how you might respond in a critical incident, is the only way to be prepared when the attack begins, or fear will negate your successful escape.

Never allow an abductor to move you to a second location. Even if they are threatening you with a weapon. If they wanted you dead at that moment they would have already shot or cut you. There is 100% chance that you will be raped, beaten or killed if you go with them. The best chance to escape is when you are first threatened, as they are not expecting you the victim to respond aggressively.

From a medical study in 2008, 85% of all handgun wounds are survivable, even if shot at close range. There simply is not enough bullet velocity and energy from a handgun to do structural damage. Finding an opportunity to run away from the shooter, is your best course of action to survive.

Never open your door at home to a stranger. Always know who and why is on the other side of the door before you open it. If it is someone in uniform (police, tv repair, plumber, etc) get their phone number by shouting if need be, and call their office to verify.

If someone knocks on your door unexpectedly, turn up the radio, tv or shout “go away” to let them know someone is home. Predators are known to break windows or doors to enter if they think a house is unoccupied. If you feel uncomfortable or threatened by any unexpected visitor to your home or yard, call 911 immediately — state someone is trying to make a forced entry, and you “have not seen the gun yet”!

Always keep your home doors locked and your garage door closed and locked, even when you are home or working in the yard. Criminals like to invade during the middle of the day, assuming most people are off to work during the day.

Always keep all your car doors locked when pumping gas. Criminals are now entering the vehicles on the opposite side of the car, while the victim is entering their credit card information at the pump. Also, never leave your car unattended with the gas nozzle in your vehicle pumping gas. This is a very bad idea on many levels.

Be familiar with the term “bump and run”. Carjackers use this technique of rear ending your vehicle while stopped, to get you out of your vehicle to investigate. If you are alone, on a desolate street, and the accident did not make sense, roll down your window and signal the other driver to follow you to a more public location. Call 911 and report the accident and your location as you drive to safety.

If you are walking alone (downtown, office parking lot, or anywhere on a college campus), always carry an improvised weapon in your dominant hand and stay alert. A sharp pencil, scissors, pen, pepper gel, knife, etc, can all be used to defend yourself if ever attacked. Never hesitate to turn around, join another group walking, or enter a closer building with people, if faced with a potential threat coming towards you.