About Us

Our Story:

The Birth of The Vigilance Group

The inception of The Vigilance Group traces back to a pivotal moment on the evening of March 4, 2008. Moose Moore was in Auburn, Alabama, when tragic news emerged: a freshman from Auburn University, Lauren Burke, had been abducted from campus and murdered. This event struck a deep chord with Moore. With his expertise in self-defense, he felt a profound sense of urgency—that perhaps he could have contributed to preventing such a tragedy, by empowering individuals like Lauren with the knowledge to protect themselves.

Motivated by this incident, Moore underwent a significant shift in his professional mission. His new goal transcended traditional self-defense training; he aimed to equip women with the foresight to recognize and sidestep dangers before they escalate. This vision led to the founding of The Vigilance Group. Headquartered in Brentwood, Tennessee, the company operates by this motto, “Vigilance Reduces Vulnerabilities.” Moore asserts that vigilance is not merely a concept but a teachable skill set, a belief that forms the cornerstone of the organization’s philosophy.

Moore, with his illustrious background as a U.S. Air Force tactical pilot and a specialist in counter-terrorism from both the Israeli Defense Forces in Tel Aviv and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, brings over two decades of unparalleled experience to the table. His nickname “Moose,” both a high school moniker and his Air Force call sign, reflects his formidable presence and expertise.

The Vigilance Group’s impact was palpable from the onset. One week after Lauren’s murder, Moore addressed a gathering of 2,000 Auburn sorority members, imparting vital lessons in self-awareness, defense, and survival strategies. His message was clear and empowering: to cultivate the strength of a lion, rather than the passivity of a lamb.

Moore’s commitment extends beyond the collegiate arena; he engages with a broad spectrum of audiences nationwide, including hospital staff on identifying terrorist threats, school officials on managing bullies and troubled students, and college communities on personal safety. His passion for personal security is driven by a simple yet profound principle: we may not control the actions of those intent on harm, but we can minimize their opportunities by being vigilant.

Since its inception, The Vigilance Group continues to experience remarkable growth, successfully training thousands of individuals across a diverse range of settings—from the boardrooms of Corporate America to the lecture halls of college campuses.

The mission has remained unwavering throughout this journey: to grant every person the permission and the tools necessary to navigate their world without becoming a victim. By fostering an environment of awareness and empowerment, TVG has equipped thousands with the knowledge and skills needed to proactively safeguard themselves and their communities.

As The Vigilance Group continues to expand its reach, our dedication to transforming the landscape of personal safety remains at the heart of everything we do.

Our mission is simple: Give everyone the permission and tools on how not to become a victim.

Meet the Team

Moose Moore

CEO, Founder

When Lt Colonel Moose Moore retired from active duty as a Fighter Pilot in 1992, he studied at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and was a member of TSA’s Air Marshal Program for 10 years, while flying as an Airline Transport Pilot. His travels abroad include the country of Israel, where Moose completed specific training in Terrorist Threat Detection and Predictive Profiling. He is an instructor of Krav Maga (Israeli self-defense) and holds a 1st Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. Moose has drawn from his military background and other tactical experiences to teach Vigilance and Awareness skills throughout the country. However, his greatest accomplishment is being married 49 years to his wife Corinne, his 3 adult children and 11 beautiful grandchildren.

Erica Diggs


Erica is a native of Nashville, TN, and graduated from Tennessee State University. She previously worked as a Federal Investigator with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, investigating workplace discrimination. An ordained minister and author, she has years of experience serving in several ministries, working with underprivileged communities, and broken families. Erica was a college athlete and is still training young athletes in track & field. Currently, Erica works as an Area Representative with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in middle schools, high schools, and colleges where she trains leaders and influences the influencers. Her physical fitness background and love of humanity make her a perfect fit for The Vigilance Group. Erica is married to LaJuan Diggs and has three sons Eric, Jordan, and Jonathan Diggs, who are all college athletes.

Mandy Rodgers


Mandy is passionate about maintaining physical, mental, and spiritual fitness while emphasizing the importance of empowering young women and raising situational awareness in everyday life. She has over 20 years’ experience as a certified personal trainer, group fitness coach, and yoga instructor. Mandy is currently employed with Lifetime Fitness and holds a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science from Western Kentucky University.

Charles Roselle


With nearly two decades working at the highest levels of federal law enforcement and in tech security, Charles has exceptional strategic understanding of security. As a United States Secret Service (USSS) Special Agent, Charles planned security and protected U.S. Presidents, world leaders, events of national significance, high profile physical structures, and more. Charles served five years on permanent Presidential Protective Division (PPD) detail protecting Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Charles was also part of the Counter Surveillance Unit where he identified security vulnerabilities and implemented actionable counter measures to successfully secure high-profile Presidential events and venues.

Bella Stephens, trainer

Bella Stephens


Bella is passionate about empowering women through physical and mental strength. She is a personal trainer and certified nutritionist and uses her expertise to help people find their confidence, improve their well-being, and create safer communities. Bella currently coaches at QNTM Fit Life and online with V shred helping people from all around the world reach their fitness goals.

Bella Stephens, trainer

Dov Gelman


Dov’s career as a global counter terrorism officer includes serving six years as an officer with the Jerusalem Border Police, and an executive protection team leader in Israel, Europe and the United States since 2009. Dov has spent two decades as an Executive Protection Agent while simultaneously running an international humanitarian organization he founded in 2004. He is certified in many advanced disciplines including Clinical Psychology, formal de-escalation training, Level II Krav Maga and Technical Surveillance Countermeasures.